• Maggie is an adventurer, researcher-of-many-things, and author of the Descendants of Robin Hood series.


    She pulls her childhood obsession of Robin Hood into this middle-grade retelling that takes a spin into the consequences of sorcery with corrupted monsters, rival nations, dark sorcerers, and the journey of Robin Hood’s descendants to control their elemental powers—remnants of an ancient curse.


    She is based in the Rocky Mountains, where there are forests, so obviously she’s qualified to write a Robin Hood retelling. When she is not reading other people’s novels, she plays D&D, goes on adventures with her dog Bilbo, and generally geeks out about things.


    Some things she needs you to know about her include:

    1. Her favorite movie franchise of all time is Pirates of the Caribbean. Because CIRCLES and FORESHADOWING and ALL THE THINGS.
    2. She has synesthesia with taste. Chocolate’s purple, in case you were wondering.
    3. She is fluent in Pig Pen code. Is it a useless skill? Yes. Does she feel cool doing it? Also yes.
    4. She has a 9 lb dog named Bilbo Waggins. Yes, he does have curly hair, a toy dragon, and a toy Sting.

For more information on events and behind-the-scenes tidbits, follow Maggie's blog!